SB-721 Deck Inspections

In addition to our general home and pest inspections; as well as pest control services, we are also conducting SB-721 inspections. The SB 721 aims to add a new level of public safety to decks, balconies and other external, elevated structural elements in multi-family residential units. This will be accomplished through California-required inspections, performed every six years. The inspections address structural integrity, flashings, and waterproofing of these elements on buildings with three or more units and that are two or more stories in height. All initial inspections must be completed by January 1, 2025. Inspections will be performed on any external building element six feet above ground level including walkways, balconies, decks, landings, stairways, and railings. On larger complexes, the law allows for 15% of the respective elements to be inspected as a representative sampling. With the January 1, 2025 date getting closer by the minute, availability with qualified inspectors is becoming more constrained.

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Get your required SB-721 inspections scheduled with us now and spend 2024 relaxing knowing you were ahead of the rush.

For more details on the SB-721 inspections please visit: legislature

SB-721 inspections had a compliance deadline of January 1, 2025.

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