Buena Vista Company – Can perform a complete inspection of your property. Buena Vista has multiple licensed termite /wood destroying organism inspectors with decades of experience, and will not only look for termites, but also carpenter ants, carpenter bees, plumbing leaks, moisture problems, dry rot and fungus issues. There is a fee for a complete inspection. The fee is dependent upon square footage. Please call our office for a price quote for your property. (707) 838-6291 or (415) 258-8200 or toll free (886) 924-2826.
Many experienced agents and careful sellers request a pre-listing Real Estate Inspection Near Me in Marin County to find any possible issues that may compromise the sale of a property.
Here are some of the advantages of getting a pre-listing inspection:
- Allows you to correct infestations, damage, and defects prior to listing your property
- Allows you to maximize your sale price because you can negotiate with full knowledge of the properties’s condition
- When you’ve identified and corrected issues, you’ll compare more favorably against similar listings
- A “clear” pest report can widen the pool of prospective buyers
- With knowledge of issues, you’ll be able to set the listing price accordingly, reflecting the truer value
- You’ll decrease the chance of a buyer getting “cold feet” and backing out when the issues are discovered later in the process, instead of right up front

For Subterranean Termite infestations, we provide a complete perimeter chemical treatment to residential and commercial structures with Altriset or Termidor termiticides and we offer a 5-year warranty against re-infestation of Subterranean Termites to perimeter-treated structures. Treatment consists of establishing a complete underground termiticide barrier along the entire perimeter of the house.
Most buyers, realtors and lenders recommend or request a termite inspection at time of making an offer to find if there are any infestations or costly repairs.
A major advantage to getting a purchase inspection is to better understand the condition of property and potential costs of treatment and/or repairs.
Our reports list active infestations (section 1 items), issues conducive to infestation (section 2), inaccessible areas in need of further inspection (section 3) and relevant informational items (section 4). Each item addressed is followed with a recommendation and the cost of some items may be estimated upon request.
Most reports are faxed and/or emailed (PDF format) the following business day and and a hard copy is sent via US Mail upon request.

A limited inspection deals with a specific problem area of a structure. We will be happy to do a free limited inspection to determine what kind of infestation, moisture, or dry rot problem you may be dealing with. We will also give a free competitive estimate on an existing termite report that you may have.
Pests are always a source of stress and worry for homeowners. Not only are pests annoying, but they are potential health hazards. On top of
For extensive Drywood Termites, we provide tenting and fumigation of residential and commercial structures with Vikane Sulfuryl Fluoride and we offer a 3 year warranty on fumigated structures. Upon request, a fumigation schedule and checklist is sent to you and our workmen will check the structure is prepared for the fumigation and clear of any visible Drywood Termite pellets.

For extensive Drywood Termites, we provide tenting and fumigation of residential and commercial structures with Vikane Sulfuryl Fluoride and we offer a 3 year warranty on fumigated structures. Upon request, a fumigation schedule and checklist is sent to you and our workmen will check the structure is prepared for the fumigation and clear of any visible Drywood Termite pellets.
When feasible, small Wood Boring Beetle and Drywood Termite infestations may be treated locally. The treatment consists of drilling a series of small holes in the infested and adjacent wood members and injecting termiticide (Altriset, Termidor, Tim-Bor, or BoraCare). Areas treated are guaranteed for 3-years, guarantee applies to treated area only.