• Safeguard your property from carpenter ants and bees, ensuring structural integrity.
  • Protect your home from destructive termites with our effective treatments.
  • Get rid of wood boring beetles to preserve your wooden structures and furniture.
  • Combat fungi and dry rot to maintain the health and longevity of your wood.


Termites can cause extensive damage to your home, compromising its structural integrity. Our expert termite control services provide thorough inspections, effective treatments, and preventive measures to protect your property. Trust us to eliminate these destructive pests and safeguard your investment.

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Carpenter Ants and Bees:

Carpenter ants and bees can weaken wooden structures and pose safety risks. Our specialized services target these pests, ensuring they are effectively removed without harming your home. Protect your property from structural damage with our professional solutions.

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Integrated Pest Management:

Wood boring beetles can silently damage your furniture and wooden structures. Our expert treatments identify and eradicate these pests, preserving the beauty and strength of your wood. Rely on us for comprehensive wood preservation solutions.

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Fungi / Dry Rot:

Fungi and dry rot can deteriorate wooden elements, leading to costly repairs. Our effective treatments combat these issues, maintaining the health and longevity of your wood. Protect your investment with our professional fungi and dry rot control services.

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PESTS DON’T STAND A CHANCE… Call us 707-838-6291

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